Got myself free back in ’73 with a Martin guitar and a melody…
the opening line of Migration is where the early chapters of my
music odyssey began; playing in front rooms, back yards, and
several rather amazing Denver coffee houses. The songwriters
and artists who made music there are forever woven into the
fabric of my musical existence. By 1976, when I launched Front
Room Music, my song catalogue had grown exponentially and my
recording of No Resistance was gracing the FM radio airwaves.
To help celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Front Room Music, I
recently took my nylon-string Taylor guitar into the studio and
recorded this batch of songs, many from the coffee house days.
This recording was made sweeter by using the precious gift of a
vintage 1950s RCA 77-DX microphone that belonged to my late
friend Jim Withers. Special thanks to Stori Lynn Hybbeneth, who
trusted the old mic to my care. I think Mr. Withers would smile,
knowing how the wheel of inspiration continues to turn.